Cowgirl Up
Bath and Candle Company

Welcome to the Cowgirl Up Bath & Candle Company

Our products are made by hand on our ranch, with soybean wax grown in USA, supporting our farmers.

Owned and Operated by Betty Kisler - Located in Calhoun, Missouri

A love for horses...

The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit and freedom.

Find out more about our products and how we do business. The American Way!

This Cowgirl's Story

After I suffured a severe head injury. I was on a lot of medication and not getting any better, so I started researching healing in a different way.

I discovered that Essential Oils and Herbs worked, and did not put me in a fog like other medications

I just love how Native Americans healed themselves using the plants God had provided us with.

Made in America

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